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  • Fábio Ribeiro

Attitudes towards Frozen Food

Frozen food and prepared meals… so easy after a busy day, so easy after work, after a day full of classes... but is that really worth it?

According to Mintel Academic:

-31% of frozen food buyers think that foods aren’t appropriated when cooking from scratch (well… bit obvious...Ain’t nothing better than that fresh broccoli, that fresh good looking chicken breast. I was actually surprised about such low percentage).

-36% feel more confident cooking with fresh food (Right now, I'm concerned about this low percentage, it should be way higher!)

Who's buying them?

People aged between 45-55 are likely the ones buying a HUGE range type of frozen food, this is related to convenience instead of quality, or shall I say price-quality?.. even though, 16-24 year old are the ones who don't buy them the most since they are not in charge of groceries shopping because some are still living with their parents.

There’s a lot of myths around frozen food, and in my personal opinion, I don’t really care if they are true. I try to keep up with my common sense, knowledge, and research. I’d recommend check window hours for food defrost.

Refreezing previously-frozen food is bad!

Despite the flavor and food texture be different, there’s a high chance of bacteria growth when food is disposed to room temperature (4ºC -60ºC).

Now, why do most people prefer frozen food?

It was actually funny when I found out that most of them don’t buy more frozen food due to lack of freezer space but others do because it's cheaper, easier and quicker to prepare and some to have as a fall-back option.

Let me know your thoughts about frozen food and what makes you buy them if you do so.

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