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  • Fábio Ribeiro

A Health(y) commitment

"I wish I could be more healthy... I wish I had more time to have a healthy diet..."

According to Mintel, 65% of adults (increased percentage since 2018) try to eat healthily all or most of the time, but obesity and overweight rates are still high.

In my opinion, I believe that the misunderstanding of healthy eating is the main problem not to increase these rates.

I've met people thinking that stop eating or just having 2 meals per day is what gonna make them lose weight or feel healthy, no! that is completely wrong, the effect is the opposite, according to studies you will feel weak because you are not having enough nutrients as you should, you won't have the energy for your daily activities, you won't be able to have a healthy brain function.

On the other hand, I feel that most people don't recognize how important it is to read nutrient values on product packages, also they don't know how to read them and how can that impacts their diet. From 2,000 users, 46% agree that it's hard to know which products are healthy or not.

According to Mintel, 87% of 2,000 users agree that it's important for children to learn how to eat healthy, indeed. So, if I had to do something about this, I'd do workshops for parents and children to learn how can they have healthy meals during the day.

In my personal experience, since I have a bit of knowledge in a healthy lifestyle, I see myself looking for products that have less quantity of salt and sugar, looking forward to fiber, protein, good carbs, vitamins, less fat...

What about you? Do you ever think or read nutritional values?

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